Publications Office of the EU
Metadata services - Librarian's corner
Metadata services

Metadata services

OPac - the Publications Office online public access catalogue

The OPac is a self-service system for searching, consulting and downloading metadata of EU publications. The bibliographical records are available for downloading in all EU official languages - independent of the language of the publication - in several formats, including Endnote, Marc21, Marcxml and ISO 2709, to be easily added to your local catalogue.

EU publications metadata in discovery services

EU publications metadata is available in several commercial and non-commercial information aggregators, including web-scale discovery services and the world’s largest libraries. We invite you to check with your current content provider to see if they have included the metadata for EU publications in their services to you.

If you need any assistance, contact us:

Customised metadata export

We offer a customised metadata export service responding to partner libraries’ requirements. You can choose the frequency of exports, type of publications to be included and their language, as well as the language of the metadata. Available in Marc21 and Marcxml formats.

If you are interested in this free service, contact us:

EU publications metadata in the Publications Office Common Metadata Repository (CMR)

The catalogue of EU publications can be searched using a SPARQL endpoint and related content files retrieved in different formats via the RESTful interface from the CELLAR. The query results can be returned in HTML, XML, CSV, JSON or a variety of RDF serialisations. Please see the query entry page on the SPARQL endpoint for details.

More information about the Cellar and the data it contains:


More information: